Friday 27 January 2012

My first game.

So I started my course last night after I got back from Nottingham. I worked my way through 36 pages so far, 99% of which I understood without having to reread. It showed me the process of making a very basic game in which you follow a clown around the screen while clicking it when you can. Each time you click the clown you get 10 points and he goes faster. It really is very basic but I am really proud that I did it. I will post a screen shot and a link to my game.

I really like the instructions so far, nothing to scary and I am proud of my little game, even if everyone on this course has made one. I am now deciding if you play around with this one, adding a few things etc or to start on my next game which is set in space apparently. I will let you know when I do, it will either be later tonight or tomorrow.

I got a response to my webmail to my tutor asking for the code for Game Maker and received it. I now have the full version and the cool part is I can make the game work without gamemaker so you can have a little play with it yourself :)

And the link to the game is here, I packed in, in Winrar so download, unzip and double click.

Will write again soon.

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